A picture of me.

Tom Hodson

Maker, Baker Programmer Reformed Physicist RSE@ECMWF

Welcome to my little home on the web! Below you’ll find recent blog posts, projects and mastodon toots. You’ll also find links to the web version of my thesis (with animations!) and my CV.


Sensor.Community Workshop at EMFcamp

Instructions for a workshop I’m running/ran at Electromagnetic Field 2024

ThreeJS Earth

A small earth renderer made using ThreeJS

Weekend builds: Bookshelf

We needed something to lift our books a little off the surface of the windowsill…

Notes on building this site

Mostly a note to self so that I can check this when I forget late how it works.

A small map.

Interactive web maps from a static file

PMTiles is a cool new technology to serve interactive vector maps from a static file.

More Posts


A small bathroom shelf.

Bathroom Shelf

A little modification to an IKEA thingy.
A CAD model of a 3D printable mount for a common LED light onto a bike handlebar.

Bike Lights

Making a custom 3W dynamo light for a bike.
A CAD model of a 3D printable mount for a common LED light onto a helmet.

Helmet Lights

A few different custom mounts to attach lights to bike helmets.
A CAD model of a 3D printable mount for a common LED light onto a helmet.


3D Printed Lamp Shades
A CAD model of the this hexagonal lasercut stool.

Lasercut Stool

A lasercut hexagonal wooden stool.

More Projects


More Toots